Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Play Ball!

Tiger’s baseball…..what more can I say that a fellow mitten resident wouldn’t understand? I think I can speak for millions when I say that I am glad tiger’s baseball is back this year! To be completely honest, after seeing the hitting, running, and fielding this year, I think this is the year for us. Now for all you pessimists you can knock on wood or do whatever you’re superstition ion tells you to, but I’m calling it now!

                Baseball isn’t just the game; it’s the atmosphere; the vendors, the fans, the venue, and the food. I enjoyed a beer and a brat the other night at Comerica Park myself; while I watched our Tigers walk all over the Astros. While I was sitting there watching the strikes and hits roll in I sat back and took some time to take it all in.  I was enough to witness first-hand the famous opera singing hot dog vendor that was quite a treat. All the people watching and all the activities like the 7th inning stretch. That’s what makes baseball awesome!

                My only regret is that I could go back and watch the legends play….I would love to see Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, Jackie Robinson, or Micky Mantle run the bases. It would be awesome to experience a ball game with all the perks for under $5. There's no dount in my mind that the game has changed, however, im still confident that the game is keeping in touch with it's roots.

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