Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Maiden Voyage!

Memorial Day weekend….it’s like the introduction to summer for all of us here in the mitten after a long winter of forgetting what it’s like to sit outside, BBQ, and drink beer. Its unfortunate the warm weather had to take a turn for the worse this weekend! Luckily I was still able to get out and get some things done!
                Friday evening was spent wrenching on my car. I’ve been having a lot of trouble with it lately, and dumping a lot of money into it lately for what seems like no results….it’s almost like having a bad girlfriend! So to turn my frustration I decided to wrap that up and head to Bass Proshop and do a little shopping. I recently purchased a fishing Kayak so I could get back out on the lakes and fish, so I needed a few things for my maiden voyage. After spending way more than I originally planned (don’t we all?) I walked out of there an hour later I had everything I needed and more for my trip out on the lake.
                Saturday was golfing with the guys. I’ve recently grown very fond of the par 3 9 hole courses around my area. For 10 bucks you can go chase a handful of golf balls and not have to worry about the typical golf course particulars….it’s actually quite laid back! So we hit 9 there, and had a few drinks afterward….it was a really good time!
                After I had to make it home a little early because I had some fabrication I had to do with the kayak for the next day on the lake. I managed to retrofit a basket with some additional rod holders because I had to accommodate for some extra gear as I was taking my girlfriends little brother, but all in all it went well and it looked great!
                Sunday was the big day! I couldn’t sleep past 7 AM because I was so excited to get going. I had already loaded up my truck and had everything prepared to go. We took off at 9:30 and had to stop by Gander Mountain quickly before we launched. When we got to our first spot it took a few minutes, but I was the first to strike! I pulled in a little 3.5 pound largemouth, and took a picture to keep record of my first kayak fishing catch! After about 6 hours on the water it was time to head back in and relax. The remainder of the night was spent enjoying a bonfire at my parent’s house and getting some much needed sleep.
                Monday was a very chill day with all of the guys, we bbq’q some beer brats, ate chips and dip, enjoyed a few beers and watched the redwings play. All in all it was a very hectic, but fun weekend! I dont have any footage from my trip on the water, but enjoy one of my favorite videos!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A lesson learned about too much sun!

Saturday started out just like any other day. I woke up, made some breakfast, got out early and got some fishing time in. This Saturday was a little different, though. This past Saturday was my buddy Scott’s birthday. Now I know what you’re all thinking…”Who the hell is Scott and why do I give a shit?” and I get it, you don’t know him and I guess you don’t have to care if you want to, but there’s a story behind this infamy.

                For me and my 2 buddies I grew up with we had always had a certain way of celebrating each other birthdays. We would play a game every time past 19 where we would go to the bar and the two of us would buy the lucky birthday boy shots at random and they would have to guess what it was they were drinking, kind of like lottery shots. It has always been a shit show, to say the least.

                So this Saturday was different, kind of. I picked up my brother and my buddies around 2 and the plan was to go play 9 holes of golf and get some food. This sounds pretty tame if the 9 holes weren’t preceded by a fifth of 18 year old Jameson.

                We got to the course and life was good, it was a beautiful day and we could walk right on. We had the Red Wings game on my buddies Iheartradio app and we were all feeling pretty good. We made it through the first 4-5 holes without any issues and then I started to feel a migraine come on. This wasn’t too much of a worry, I was still feeling pretty good and I figured we would be done soon…..man was I wrong.

                After a snap decision to play the remaining back 9 of the course I was dreading the 2.5 hours ahead of me. I struggled through the last 9 holes getting the usual dogging from my buddies and brother; “come on, Nancy” I would hear as I dawdled behind the remaining 3 of the foursome. By the time we left the course I had shot a 77 and I was feeling like death.  The food that followed didn’t go so well either.

                I can put away food with the best of them but at this point after 6 hours in the sun and only having a bagel and Jameson in my stomach all day the only putting away of my food was done in the form of a carryout box with the entirety of my order in it. I couldn’t wait for my buddies to finish so I could head home and just crash.

                Getting home was not much better because since the party decided to meet us there. We’re all older now and definitely not as professional of partiers like we were in our younger days, but I guess tonight was the exception. I couldn’t move because I would get sick, I couldn’t sleep because everyone was celebrating. I couldn’t walk without letting my head dangle from my shoulders. Finally I mustered up the strength to get up, and go somewhere else.

                Leaving was probably the best thing I had done all day, but it wasn’t without its issues….I won’t get into specifics but I was feeling so great on the drive to my final destination for the night that I had to make half a dozen stops, I’m sure you can guess.

                I figured I wasn’t dehydrated at all because I had a ton of Gatorade with me on the course and I hadn’t drank THAT much Jameson before we went out. After talking to a few friends and family members I was unofficially diagnosed with sun poisoning. Great….

                Sunday was spent doing nothing other than recovering. The very thought of the warm touch of sun on my skin made my stomach turn.  After the symptoms subsided the only reminder of this 2 day episode was the farmer’s burn it left me with. I’m still being reminded today…… Moral of the story: Always bring more Jameson!

Picture thanks to: 123rf.com