Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The red, white, and BREW!

Man cave, a sanctuary, somewhere where everything is man without worry of insensitivity. What makes a man cave? Does it have to be in a basement or a garage?
                To me it doesn’t…I don’t personally have a basement fit for a man cave, so I tend to use my local establishments and social gatherings as my own personal man cave.
                Think of it! You don’t have to have a bar in your basement to enjoy man cave-like activities, you can head out to your local brewery, I personally prefer Khunhenn.
                Why have game rooms, when you can go shoot pool or at snookers or shoot craps and play blackjack at MGM?
                To me, everywhere is my man cave… resource where I can stretch my manly wings (masculine wings, like on a hawk or eagle…..not that swan crap) and feel like I am in my own man cave without the wife interrupting to do the laundry or the kids wanting to watch sponge-bob on the “big TV.”.

                We’ll smoke cigars, talk about cars, Kate Upton, what the Tigers are doing, what the Lions aren’t doing, drink some good beer and just have a bitchin’ time.
                So grab a stool at the bar and get a pint….this is gonna be fun.

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